
Kepros Mountain – Boise Grand Slam Part 2 (Video Included)

Years ago, a man named Tom Lopez created what is commonly referred to as the “Boise Grand Slam.”

Here is our preview video for the Boise Grand Slam:

Tom created the challenge to help get himself ready for bigger hikes later on in the year. These hikes are recommended to be done in the spring as the summer months in Idaho are brutally warm and can be very dangerous given the lack of trees for the Grand Slam hikes.

The second hike in the Boise Grand Slam is Kepros Mountain.

  • Summit Height: 5,428 feet
  • Approximate Elevation Gain: 1,988
  • Approximate Distance: Approximately 9.78 miles roundtrip (Southeast Ridge route)

We recommend doing this, hike second in the Grand Slam, although some argue that doing Cervidae Peak is easier. Kepros is 10 miles long, and if you have not hiked before, that distance could be troublesome for some.

While Kepros is a longer hike than Cervidae Peak, there is a lot of flat hiking which is a welcome break from the non-stop hills on Cervidae Peak.

Kepros can be more challenging if you decide NOT to take the bypasses.

There are a number of bypasses that skip giant hills. Depending on your conditioning and how hard you want to climb, you can take the bypasses or skip them. As of this writing, we have always taken the bypasses.

If you plan on doing this hike, be sure to know where you are going.

While Cervidae is very straightforward on where to go, Kepros could be a little trickier. With the bypasses, jeep road, and some other trails we have seen, it could be possible to get lost if you are not careful.

As far as dangers go, the biggest would be heat if you intend to hike it in the summer.

There is only one area on the entire route where the trail will come near trees/brush. It’s fairly deep into the hike and is the only place where you will find shade. Go early in the day if you intend to do this hike in the summer.

Second, there is no water along the way, so be sure to bring plenty.

Snakes and mountain lions are always a concern in many of Idaho’s mountains. We have never actually seen any snakes or mountain lions while hiking Kepros.

Finally, if you decide to hike Kepros in the winter, remember to be careful with what you wear during hunting season. There are deer that travel through this area, and hunting is allowed.

How do you get to Kepros Mountain?

Google “Kepros Mountain,” and you see Kepros Mountain Trailhead on the map. That will take you to a dirt parking lot area on the right side of Blacks Creek Road.

How do you find the trail and how hard is the hike?

After you park your vehicle, you are going to cross the road and you will see the trail very visibly when you do.

The first 1/2 mile of Kepros is fairly steep and will wake you up pretty quick. The following four miles are so are flat with some “up and down” mixed in. The final 1/2 mile is also pretty steep and has a to of loose rock right near the top.

When you climb the first part of Kepros, the trail will come to a “T” intersection. Go to the right and enjoy the hike. If you go to the left, you can climb 3-Point Mountain!

At the top of the trail is a “summit journal” where you can sign your name or whatever you would like to put in it.

Here is our video of Kepros Mountain:

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